Inspired by the lives of
Victor Kovalenko, Lijia Xu and Mathew Belcher
A quest for glory; Three lives, three continents and the fascination of sailing combine to create an extraordinary tale of winning against all odds.
In the middle of the twentieth century, at the height of the Cold War between the West and the Soviet Bloc, a baby is born, in a secret missile-building city somewhere in the Soviet Union. That baby, growing up in harsh conditions in a closed city, is destined to become the single most successful sailing coach in all of Olympic Games history....
...A remarkable journey
Nearly 40 years later, in rapidly changing Shanghai in China, a little baby girl is born...and what a pity it's a girl, when boys are much the more valued. But that little girl, despite a body that constantly lets her down, growing up in an environment with limited interest in sailing, and lacking an experienced coach to guide her, becomes, through sheer force of will, China's first ever Olympic sailing gold medallist...
...An inspiring journey
In 1982, in comfortable circumstances on the Gold Coast of south-east Queensland in Australia, another baby is born. As a child struggling to be even near the water, that baby is nevertheless destined to become an eight time World Champion sailor and Olympic Champion...
...An instructive journey
And, finally, an itinerant and uncoventional coach that completes the circle of one of the aspirant sailors.
...A supportive journey
Victor Kovalenko
The "Medal Maker". Born in the Ukraine in 1950. Multiple USSR sailing champion before becoming a coach in 1984. His achievements as a coach include 11 Olympic medals, 7 of them gold, coaching 19 world champions, 13 European champions and winners of numerous regattas worldwide. Australian Head Coach and Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Head Coach in Sailing since 2000. AIS Coach of the Year 2009, 2010. Awarded Order of Australian Medal in 2012. Ambassador of Australian Day in 2013. Member of the Sport Australia Hall of Fame. Inaugural member of the Australian Sailing Hall of Fame in 2017.
Watch Interview here
Born in Shanghai, China in 1987. Laser Radial gold medallist at London 2012, bronze in 2008. Rolex World Sailor of the Year 2012. She was born nearly deaf in one ear and nearly blind in one eye. Starting as a swimmer she changed to sailing 1997, with immediate international success in the Optimist. During a routine physical examination before the 2004 Summer Olympics doctors found a giant-cell tumour of the bone near her left knee. They warned that the tumour could spread within months which would necessitate amputation of her leg. She missed the 2004 Olympic before proving her doubters emphatically wrong.
Watch Interview here
Mathew Belcher
Born on the Gold Coast, Australia in 1982. 470 gold medallist at the 2012 Olympics with his former crew Malcom Page having missed out on selection for the previous two Olympics. The latter setback led him to temporarily give up on the sport. Convinced to come back for one more Olympic campaign, the Australian never looked back delivering 17 consecutive knockout victories from November 2011 until January 2014. Won a record five successive World Championships from 2010-2015. Olympic silver medallist in Rio 2016 and gold medallist in Tokyo 2021 (OG 2020). Rolex World Sailor of the Year in 2013.
Watch Interview here
About Storm School
Storm School is a movie about the beautiful sport of sailing. A fictional feature film, based on the lives of four remarkable individuals, it aims to depict different facets of the sport: the range of sailing craft, from kite surfing to dinghies to maxi yachts; the depth of competition and the compelling attraction of the wind and sea.
Running approximately 120 minutes, it is an English language production, filmed and produced in accordance with the standards of the international motion picture industry. The screenplay has been written by Louis Nowra, Vincent Ward, initial draft by Rolf de Heer.
An Australian-German-Swiss-Ukrainian co-production, the movie will be shot on location in Australia and Europe. The team behind the project are passionate sailors, committed to ensuring their sport is presented in the best possible manner.
Filming in Ukraine

Filming locations include: Ukraine, Australia, UK and China.